Bakery Raisch uses serveral hundred va-Q-trays to transport its baked goods
va-Q-tec consistently continues on its path as a climate-neutral company
Product innovation va-Q-one 300P thermal transport container impresses with superior weight-to-payload ratio
Grand Opening va-Q-tec do Brasil: Opening ceremony of the office and TempChain Service Center in São Paulo
va-Q-tec: Global specialist for TempChain transport solutions and energy efficiency continues on successful track in the first half of 2022
va-Q-tec receives award from Mainfränkische Werkstätten for its inclusion work
BGH decision on thermal insulation of old buildings: Modern vacuum insulation saves 90 percent space and up to 20 percent energy
Subsidiary in the USA with dynamic development since foundation in 2013
va-Q-tec’s product portfolio is optimally suited for the transport of blood and blood plasma donations
va-Q-tec opens subsidiary in China and expands international capacities
va-Q-tec enables Hofpfisterei München to transport lye bakery products in a sustainable and energy-efficient way
va-Q-tec reports continued dynamic growth in Q1 2022 accompanied by planned significant free cash flow improvement