Last Mile Pharma


Thermal Packaging Systems

Cold and Heat Storage Elements

va-Q-gel +05G bio

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va-Q-gel +05G

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va-Q-pad +05G EL

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va-Q-accu -67G

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va-Q-accu -03G

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va-Q-accu -50G

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va-Q-accu -37G

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va-Q-accu -26G

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va-Q-accu -21G

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va-Q-accu 00G

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va-Q-pad -37G

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va-Q-pad -26G

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va-Q-pad -21G

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va-Q-pad +22G

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va-Q-accu +37G

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va-Q-accu +05G

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va-Q-accu -15G

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va-Q-accu +18G

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va-Q-accu +23G

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va-Q-accu +22G

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va-Q-tec pioneered TempChain Know-how & Expertise since 2003 by creating the first passive PCM/VIP thermal packaging solutions. Therefore the company is able to provide extensive engineering consulting and professional laboratory service.
All temperatures and all volumes can be served from va-Q-tec´s comprehensive Product Portfolio. Even to the most challenging destinations.
More than 3 Mio. boxes and containers have been pre-conditioned in va-Q-tec´s qualified TempChain Service. This process is enabled by unique Tools such as the patented quality control system by va-Q-check.
With PCM, we achieve improved performance and GDP compliance. Longer temperature holding times and precise temperature control (2°C to 8°C) and (15°C to 25°C) prevent overcooling and increase the safety of goods deliveries.
Improved storage capacities, process times and handling lead to significant cost savings and an increase in efficiency.
By using uniform “VIP” boxes instead of large boxes, we reduce complexity and optimize logistics processes, which makes handling easier.
Customized solutions such as performance upgrades or individual branding are possible.

Application Examples

Case Study kohlpharma
Customer interview with Dr. Christoph Frick va-Q-tec Thermal Solutions GmbH received a strategically important major…
Last Mile Distribution of Covid-19 vaccines
The worldwide distribution of the Corona vaccine is considered a mammoth logistical task. Another big…

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